Any updates coming soon?

It's been a while since there was any news just wondering?

Hi, LyonLyon.

Rest assured, there certainly will be update. Because next update will introduce new major part of the game, it will take some time to finish it (hopefully in few weeks, but don't rely on this estimate). After update You will get new ways where to spend your money. So, keep calm and save your money. : )

Any updates on the updates? What new stuff you gonna be introducing?

Hi, Gavin.

The updates are getting their progress, slowly but surely. The GUI part of new game part is almost finished, so the game engine is what left to update. This usually takes a lot less times than GUI part. In less than a week there will be new update to the game.

Maintaining the tradition, all details about new update You will find out when the game is updated. Sorry about that. : )

Fair enough :-).
Out of curiosity, what programming language are you using for this site?

Good old PHP. And You may guess already what's for the DB. : )
